Sabado, Setyembre 12, 2015

The EM Waves

          Electromagnetic waves are responsible for transmitting energy which travels to any vacuum of outer space. It is created through the vibration of an electric charge. The electromagnetic wave’s electric and magnetic fields are perpendicular to each other and to the direction of its wave. First, production of EM waves begins when charge particles produce an electric field. As electric field exerts force with the other particles, positive and negative charges accelerates to opposite directions on the field. Second, a moving charge particle produces magnetic field where it exerts force on other moving objects. Movements are perpendicular to the direction of the velocity and do not include the speed. Third, accelerating charged particle also produces EM waves where magnetic and electric fields travel through empty with the speed of light. Electromagnetic waves have seven types: radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, x-rays and gamma rays.

Radio waves have the lowest frequency but have the longest wavelengths among all electromagnetic waves. It is often used to transmit data like computer networks, radio, satellites etc. It is 103m and about the size of a building or human. Heinrich Hertz discovered radio waves in 1887. Microwaves are the second-lowest frequency waves in the EM spectrum where it ranges from 300 MHz to 300 GHz. It can carry information through obstacles that interfere with radio waves such as clouds, smoke and rain. Microwaves are used for radar, landline phone calls and the transmission of computer data. It was discovered by James Clerk Maxwell during 1864. The third type of EM waves is Infrared waves. These waves are in the lower-middle range of frequencies in the EM spectrum, between microwaves and visible light.Their frequencies range from 3 x 1011 Hz to 4 x 1014 Hz. It was William Herschel who discovered infrared during 1800. The fourth type is Visible light. Visible light are waves which creates radiation that can be seen by our naked eyes. The most noticeable natural source of visible light is obviously the sun. It ranges from 4 x 10-7 m to 8 x 10-7 m. The colors of visible light are arranged from longest to shortest. These colors include red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet or remembered by the acronym ROYGBIV. The fifth type is Ultraviolet radiation. These waves have shorter wavelength compared to visible light but longer than X-rays. UVB also helps us when we hang washing outside to dry, as some of the bacteria present in the washing are inactivated by exposure to UVB. This helps to protect us from infection and is another reason to dry washing outside rather than in an energy-hungry dryer. Most UV radiation is considered harmful not only to humans. The sixth type of EM waves is X-rays. It is sometimes called Roentgen rays because Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen discovered x-rays. X-rays are extremely high-energy waves with wavelengths between 0.03 and 3 nanometers. X rays are used to inspect canned good, other packaged products, used to destroy benign and malignant tumors and can be used as treatment of leukemia and bursitis. The last type of EM waves is Gamma rays. These waves have the highest frequency among all EM waves. They are emitted by radioactive substances. It is used for treating many diseases, used to detect cracks in metals and to sterilize equipments etc.Electromagnetic waves may be useful but it could be dangerous to humans. Waves that have shorter wavelength with higher frequencies are considered harmful. Gamma rays are known to be the most dangerous EM waves for it has the highest frequency.

They can penetrate the human body ad cause radiation poisoning after nuclear events like melt downs. X-rays can penetrate skin and muscles when there is too much exposure. UV rays can cause you to tan, get sunburn and get skin cancer. Visible light is harmful especially when it is too bright. Staring at the sun or high laser beam is an example of adverse visible light. Infrared is heat and an example of it is fire. Fire is hazardous; it can burn you whenever you get close to it. It also includes radiant heat sources.

          Avoiding these harmful electromagnetic waves completely is impossible but there are ways on how to minimize its damage. First, you have to turn off and unplug appliances when not in use. Second, avoid living near to mobile phone towers, electrical pylons and high tension wires, and also avoid using a microwave completely. Third, live in a detached residence such as a house instead of an apartment if possible. It has more and higher density of population in apartments. Fourth, you must go to bed as early as you can because people who are sensitive with EM waves will become fatigue, malnourish, dehydrated and have a poor health. Other ways to lessen the bad effects of electromagnetic radiation are avoiding air travel if not necessary; removing electrical smart meters, follow good nutritional balance programs etc.
We all know that EM waves are very useful to us but we must bear in mind that it also has harmful effects. We must limit ourselves from being too exposed with these appliances and gadgets to live a longer and healthier life.

The Physics Classroom. <> (accessed on September 8, 2015)
Braybury, Luc. “7 Types of Electromagnetic Waves.”<> (accessed on September 8, 2015)
Mr.Lake. “What electromagnetic waves are dangerous for humans?”<> (Accessed on September 8, 2015)
Wright, Carolanne. “It’s true: You really can protect yourself against electromagnetic radiation – here’s how”. January 14, 2013. <> (Accessed on September 9, 2015)

Miyerkules, Hulyo 22, 2015


          The Pacific Ring of Fire is the boundary of the Pacific plate. It is where most earthquake, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions and seismic activities are formed. It is sometimes called as the Circum-Pacific belt. Roughly 90% of all earthquakes appear on the Ring of Fire. Most of these volcanoes are stratovolcanoes and 75% of them are active and dormant. The Pacific Ring of Fire is not really that circular but it looks more like the horseshoe and is 40,000 kilometers long. There are a total of 452 volcanoes found in the Pacific. The Ring of Fire is the result of tectonic plates. Creation and Destruction only happens mostly in the Pacific through the process of subduction and mid-ocean ridges. Subduction is the process where the movement of oceanic plate sinks in the mantle, and destroys the seabed that results as trenches which is the deepest area of the planet. The mid-ocean ridges which is considered as the “creation” because it provides a never-ending supply of new rocks and seabed.

           In the Circum-Pacific Belt, subduction zones are mostly located. When subduction begins, the denser plate is pushed into the mantle which carries water; melts the magma and creates pressure. Having too much pressure causes volcanic eruption where lava comes out on the crater. Volcanoes are formed based on the two theories that scientist study and discover. The first theory says that the massive friction of plates and the releasing of enough energy to melt rocks cause the formation of volcanoes. The second theory states that some volcanoes are formed in between plates; this is because hot spots rise up. Around the Pacific Ring of Fire, you can pass a very deep trench that serves as an evidence that subduction occurs. Living in the Pacific Ring of Fire is dangerous. Whenever volcanoes erupt, it results to the big destruction of structures and buildings near it. It is also the outcome of having earthquakes and tsunamis that triples wreckage of a certain place. Volcanic eruption has disadvantages when it blocks the transportation and communication; when crops are ruined; when it creates a pyroclastic flow, lava flow etc. But we must also bear in mind the advantages of having volcanic eruptions. These advantages like providing resources for energy extraction or known as geothermal energy, making the soil fertile, and even brought tourism in the area.

           In conclusion, the Pacific Ring of Fire plays a big role in the planet Earth. Through the opening of volcanoes which releases heat, the Earth was able to sustain life. There are constant changes in the Pacific Ring of Fire because of the movement of tectonic plates. When plate tectonics hit each other, some plates may sink and these are some of the causes in the creation of new volcanoes. Earthquakes can’t only be felt when there is volcanic activity but it also occurs when tectonic plates move. People living in high-risk areas must always be prepared and remain alert for possible occurrence of large-scale seismic events.


Lunes, Hunyo 29, 2015

Top 10 Most Deadliest Volcanic Eruption



Mount Tambora: WikiPedia

Tambora produced the largest eruption during April 10,1815.The volcano 
erupted  for more than 50 cubic kilometers of magma. It caused a lot of destruction and killed more than 100,000 people, directly and indirectly. The massive Tambora is a stratovolcano that forms the entire 60-km-wide Sanggar Peninsula on northern Sumbawa Island. It grew to about 4000 m elevation before a major explosion destroyed its summit and left a pre-1815 caldera more than 43,000 years ago. It is also believed that the eruption produced tsunamis with waves possibly as high as 10 meters.
Location: Island of Sumbawa, Indonesia (found in the Pacific Ring of Fire)\


Mount PeleĢe: WikiPedia
The explosive eruption of Mt. Pelee happened last May 10, 1902. With a population of upward of 25,000 persons, the city has been totally destroyed, and the survivors are reported to number less than two score, nearly all of them burned, wounded, and suffering awful torturesMount Pelee is a a great volcano that is believed to be extinct a long time ago, suddenly awoke from the sleep of many years. Out of the mouth of the treacherous crater, around which nestled the summer villas and the pretty homes of the wealthier of the French West Indian residents. (from:

Location:  Martinique


Mount Krakatoa: Wikimedia

The eruption of Krakatoa in August 1883 was one of the most deadly volcanic eruptions of modern history. It is estimated that more than 36,000 people died. Many died as a result of thermal injury from the blasts and many more were victims of t
he tsunamis that followed the collapse of the volcano into the caldera below sea level.
The island of Krakatau (Krakatoa) is in the Sunda Strait between Java and Sumatra. It is part of the Indonesian Island Arc. Volcanic activity is due to subduction of the Indo-Australian tectonic plate as it moves northward towards mainland Asia. The island is about 3 miles wide and 5.5 miles long (9 by 5 kilometers).
Location:  Sunda strait between the islands of Java and Sumatra.


Nevado del Ruiz is an active volcano, located in a compact cluster of volcanic mountains near the center of Colombia. The area is included in Los Nevados National Park, and is easily accessible by road. It is probably the most popular climbing area in Colombia, as well as a popular ski spot in winter. Some snow remains on the mountain year-round. Nevado del Ruiz is not only the highest mountain in the region, but is one of the easiest to ascend, straight up the snowy west slope from a parking lot at the base of the mountain. A traverse of all four peaks requires about a week. More than 23,000 people were killed in Armero, Colombia when Nevado del Ruiz erupted on November 13, 1985. 


Location: Colombia


 The eruption of Mt. Unzen in 1792 is the most catastrophic and deadly in all of Japan’s history. The initial eruption triggered a landslide and tsunami. Mt. Unzen consists of a group of composite volcanoes and they are located east of Nagasaki. It is said that most of the death toll was as a result of the landslide and tsunami; evidence of the devastating landslide can still be seen today.
LOCATION: Shimabara Peninsula of Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan (found in the Pacific Ring of Fire)


Artist representation of Mount Vesuvius: WikiPedia
This is possibly one of the most famous volcanic eruptions in history and it is particularly infamous due to the burial of two Italian towns, Herculaneum and Pompeii. This eruption is so well documented due to the eyewitness account of Pliny the Younger. During this eruption Mt. Vesuvius expelled a deadly cloud of volcanic gas, stones, ash and fumes that rose to a tremendous height of 33km. The eruption lasted two days and the eruption was made even more tragic because of the fact that the unsuspecting residents of the Bay of Naples were unaware that they were living in the shadow of a deadly volcano.(From: Province of Naples, Italy


Laki Volcanic System: WikiPedia

This eruption lasted a whopping eight months spewing a total of 14.7 cubic kilometers of lava and 27km of fissures. Despite the extremely high volume of volcanic material that was expelled from the volcano during this eruption, this was not the primary cause of the large death toll. It was in fact the deadly gas emission that was the killer. Large quantities of gas were released into the atmosphere consisting of water vapor, carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, hydrogen chloride and flouride. This ultimately created a cloud that remained over Iceland and proceeded to create acid rain, poisoning livestock and the soil.
LOCATION: South of Iceland

MT. Papandayan, INDONESIA

Situated on the Indonesian island of Java, Papandayan is a crater-filled semi-active volcano. In 1772, one side of the volcano exploded and avalanched into the surrounding 40 villages, destroying them completely. Over 3,000 villagers were killed. The volcano is still considered very dangerous and much of the surrounding area is restricted – especially considering there have been smoke, tremors and minor eruptions in 1923, 1942, plus several, all increasing in strength, in 2002. (from:
 LOCATION: Indonesian island of Java


When Mt. Kelut erupted in 1919 over 100 villages were destroyed due to lethal lahars that traveled a distance for 40 kilometers. During this eruption 38 million cubic meters of water were ejected from the Crater Lake. The volcano has erupted on a large scale several times since 1919, including once in 1966 and again in 1990.
LOCATION: Kelud Karangrejo, Garum, Blitar 66182, Indonesia


Galunggung Crater: WikimediaThe Volcano erupted in October in 1882. As well as killing 4,011 people the eruption also destroyed 114 villages. Mt Galunggung is located on the Pacific Ring of Fire, a well-known collection of volcanoes along a horseshoe shape around the coasts of Asia and the west coasts of Central and South America. This particular eruption was a VEI (Volcanic Explosive Index) 5 volcanic eruption.
LOCATION: Java, Indonesia

The Pacific Ring of Fire and its Earthquakes