Miyerkules, Hulyo 22, 2015


          The Pacific Ring of Fire is the boundary of the Pacific plate. It is where most earthquake, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions and seismic activities are formed. It is sometimes called as the Circum-Pacific belt. Roughly 90% of all earthquakes appear on the Ring of Fire. Most of these volcanoes are stratovolcanoes and 75% of them are active and dormant. The Pacific Ring of Fire is not really that circular but it looks more like the horseshoe and is 40,000 kilometers long. There are a total of 452 volcanoes found in the Pacific. The Ring of Fire is the result of tectonic plates. Creation and Destruction only happens mostly in the Pacific through the process of subduction and mid-ocean ridges. Subduction is the process where the movement of oceanic plate sinks in the mantle, and destroys the seabed that results as trenches which is the deepest area of the planet. The mid-ocean ridges which is considered as the “creation” because it provides a never-ending supply of new rocks and seabed.

           In the Circum-Pacific Belt, subduction zones are mostly located. When subduction begins, the denser plate is pushed into the mantle which carries water; melts the magma and creates pressure. Having too much pressure causes volcanic eruption where lava comes out on the crater. Volcanoes are formed based on the two theories that scientist study and discover. The first theory says that the massive friction of plates and the releasing of enough energy to melt rocks cause the formation of volcanoes. The second theory states that some volcanoes are formed in between plates; this is because hot spots rise up. Around the Pacific Ring of Fire, you can pass a very deep trench that serves as an evidence that subduction occurs. Living in the Pacific Ring of Fire is dangerous. Whenever volcanoes erupt, it results to the big destruction of structures and buildings near it. It is also the outcome of having earthquakes and tsunamis that triples wreckage of a certain place. Volcanic eruption has disadvantages when it blocks the transportation and communication; when crops are ruined; when it creates a pyroclastic flow, lava flow etc. But we must also bear in mind the advantages of having volcanic eruptions. These advantages like providing resources for energy extraction or known as geothermal energy, making the soil fertile, and even brought tourism in the area.

           In conclusion, the Pacific Ring of Fire plays a big role in the planet Earth. Through the opening of volcanoes which releases heat, the Earth was able to sustain life. There are constant changes in the Pacific Ring of Fire because of the movement of tectonic plates. When plate tectonics hit each other, some plates may sink and these are some of the causes in the creation of new volcanoes. Earthquakes can’t only be felt when there is volcanic activity but it also occurs when tectonic plates move. People living in high-risk areas must always be prepared and remain alert for possible occurrence of large-scale seismic events.


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