Sabado, Setyembre 12, 2015

The EM Waves

          Electromagnetic waves are responsible for transmitting energy which travels to any vacuum of outer space. It is created through the vibration of an electric charge. The electromagnetic wave’s electric and magnetic fields are perpendicular to each other and to the direction of its wave. First, production of EM waves begins when charge particles produce an electric field. As electric field exerts force with the other particles, positive and negative charges accelerates to opposite directions on the field. Second, a moving charge particle produces magnetic field where it exerts force on other moving objects. Movements are perpendicular to the direction of the velocity and do not include the speed. Third, accelerating charged particle also produces EM waves where magnetic and electric fields travel through empty with the speed of light. Electromagnetic waves have seven types: radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, x-rays and gamma rays.

Radio waves have the lowest frequency but have the longest wavelengths among all electromagnetic waves. It is often used to transmit data like computer networks, radio, satellites etc. It is 103m and about the size of a building or human. Heinrich Hertz discovered radio waves in 1887. Microwaves are the second-lowest frequency waves in the EM spectrum where it ranges from 300 MHz to 300 GHz. It can carry information through obstacles that interfere with radio waves such as clouds, smoke and rain. Microwaves are used for radar, landline phone calls and the transmission of computer data. It was discovered by James Clerk Maxwell during 1864. The third type of EM waves is Infrared waves. These waves are in the lower-middle range of frequencies in the EM spectrum, between microwaves and visible light.Their frequencies range from 3 x 1011 Hz to 4 x 1014 Hz. It was William Herschel who discovered infrared during 1800. The fourth type is Visible light. Visible light are waves which creates radiation that can be seen by our naked eyes. The most noticeable natural source of visible light is obviously the sun. It ranges from 4 x 10-7 m to 8 x 10-7 m. The colors of visible light are arranged from longest to shortest. These colors include red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet or remembered by the acronym ROYGBIV. The fifth type is Ultraviolet radiation. These waves have shorter wavelength compared to visible light but longer than X-rays. UVB also helps us when we hang washing outside to dry, as some of the bacteria present in the washing are inactivated by exposure to UVB. This helps to protect us from infection and is another reason to dry washing outside rather than in an energy-hungry dryer. Most UV radiation is considered harmful not only to humans. The sixth type of EM waves is X-rays. It is sometimes called Roentgen rays because Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen discovered x-rays. X-rays are extremely high-energy waves with wavelengths between 0.03 and 3 nanometers. X rays are used to inspect canned good, other packaged products, used to destroy benign and malignant tumors and can be used as treatment of leukemia and bursitis. The last type of EM waves is Gamma rays. These waves have the highest frequency among all EM waves. They are emitted by radioactive substances. It is used for treating many diseases, used to detect cracks in metals and to sterilize equipments etc.Electromagnetic waves may be useful but it could be dangerous to humans. Waves that have shorter wavelength with higher frequencies are considered harmful. Gamma rays are known to be the most dangerous EM waves for it has the highest frequency.

They can penetrate the human body ad cause radiation poisoning after nuclear events like melt downs. X-rays can penetrate skin and muscles when there is too much exposure. UV rays can cause you to tan, get sunburn and get skin cancer. Visible light is harmful especially when it is too bright. Staring at the sun or high laser beam is an example of adverse visible light. Infrared is heat and an example of it is fire. Fire is hazardous; it can burn you whenever you get close to it. It also includes radiant heat sources.

          Avoiding these harmful electromagnetic waves completely is impossible but there are ways on how to minimize its damage. First, you have to turn off and unplug appliances when not in use. Second, avoid living near to mobile phone towers, electrical pylons and high tension wires, and also avoid using a microwave completely. Third, live in a detached residence such as a house instead of an apartment if possible. It has more and higher density of population in apartments. Fourth, you must go to bed as early as you can because people who are sensitive with EM waves will become fatigue, malnourish, dehydrated and have a poor health. Other ways to lessen the bad effects of electromagnetic radiation are avoiding air travel if not necessary; removing electrical smart meters, follow good nutritional balance programs etc.
We all know that EM waves are very useful to us but we must bear in mind that it also has harmful effects. We must limit ourselves from being too exposed with these appliances and gadgets to live a longer and healthier life.

The Physics Classroom. <> (accessed on September 8, 2015)
Braybury, Luc. “7 Types of Electromagnetic Waves.”<> (accessed on September 8, 2015)
Mr.Lake. “What electromagnetic waves are dangerous for humans?”<> (Accessed on September 8, 2015)
Wright, Carolanne. “It’s true: You really can protect yourself against electromagnetic radiation – here’s how”. January 14, 2013. <> (Accessed on September 9, 2015)

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